Sebastiano Ceccarini (Fano 1703 – 1783), attr....

This qualitative portrait can be referred to the production of Fanese painter Sebastiano Ceccarini, active in Rome in the mid-18th century. A direct follower of Carlo Maratti's imprint, he became first a pupil and then a close collaborator of Francesco Mancini, and with him he reached Rome in 1724. His sojourn in the city corresponds to the most mature phase of the artist's production, who here grasped the late Baroque legacy of Roman painting and learned portraiture from such exponents as Baciccio, Trevisani, David and Benefial. The cardinal portrayed can be identified with Giovanni Battista Spinola, cardinal under Clement XII, through an engraving made by Rocco Freri from a drawing by Pietro Stella. The painting is accompanied by a critical card by Giancarlo Sestieri. Oil on canvas, dimensions 100x74 cm.
